Do you have any information about the historian Jane Degras née Tabrisky to help John Plant, Reviews and Obituaries of Revolutionary History ( She was born in the first quarter of 1905, registered central London, and died in the fourth quarter of 1973. John writes: There are east London connections – for example she attended ‘Gravel Lane School’, which I think was Raines. And there are records of Tabriskys around east London, including the death of Abraham, in Stepney, who I think was her father.
She was a very important historian, working for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and previously in Moscow at the Institute of Marxism Leninism with David Riazanov (where she came under suspicion of being a Trotskyist). Despite such distinctions there seems to have been no published obituary – an omission I would like to correct.
I would be grateful for any information about Jane from your readers.
John Plant
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